Does Protocel work on benign tumors as well as malignant ones?

Does Protocel work on DCIS?

Does Protocel get rid of skin tags?

Does Protocel get rid of fibroids?

What other health conditions does Protocel work for besides cancer?

How does Protocel work against viruses?

Can Protocel be used to treat HIV/AIDS?

Does Protocel work on benign tumors as well as malignant ones?

Jim Sheridan did not address the issue of benign tumors as far as I know, and benign tumors are not considered cancer. Therefore I do not address how to get rid of benign tumors in my book. (Usually, surgery is the best option for benign masses because they don’t metastasize.) My own understanding is that Protocel will only work on cells that rely primarily on anaerobic functioning, and this applies only to malignant cancer cells, not benign tumor cells. However, tumors can sometimes be misdiagnosed and actually be malignant when the doctor thinks they are benign ? or a mass may sometimes have a mixture of malignant and benign cells within it. So, if one is not sure whether their tumor is malignant or benign, they could try Protocel and see if it responds. That is one of the great benefits of non-toxic approaches. They are safe to use whether you are sure you have cancer or not. If your mass does not respond over time to the Protocel, then it may be benign.

Does Protocel work on DCIS?

DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ) is a common breast cancer diagnosis these days. But it is only conventional medicine that consistently labels it as cancer. Many alternative doctors now agree that DCIS is more of a pre-cancerous condition and should not be labeled as cancer at all. DCIS stays “in situ,” or in place, without metastasizing in more than 90% of all cases because it is not generally malignant. The basic idea is that Protocel will only work on unhealthy or damaged cells of the body that consistently rely on anaerobic cell respiration. This includes all malignant cancer cells, but usually not benign masses or DCIS.

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Does Protocel get rid of skin tags?

Yes. At least a number of people have reported that it does.

Does Protocel get rid of fibroids?

This is somewhat unclear. A number of women have wondered if Protocel can get rid of their breast or uterine fibroids, but anecdotal reports reflect mixed results. I have only come across one woman who felt that Protocel got her breast fibroid to go away. But others who have tried it have not had the same success. In general, I believe that fibroid cysts are not going to respond well to Protocel because there is no strong indication that they are made up of cells that primarily use anaerobic functioning. (Which is what Protocel targets.) However, sometimes fibroid cysts pop up very quickly with rapid growth in the beginning. It is only during these times of rapid growth that a thermogram will highlight a fibroid as “hot.” Once a fibroid has settled in and stopped growing quickly, then it does not highlight on thermograms as hot. Thus, it could be that Protocel might work on fibroids during that initial period of fast growth, but not on fibroids after they have settled in and are basically remaining stable at a certain size. This is just a hypothesis, though, because very little is known for sure about this topic.

What other health conditions does Protocel work for besides cancer?

Protocel will help any condition that involves anaerobic cells of the body, though it may not be a complete cure for all such conditions. It was originally created by Jim Sheridan as a cancer treatment and has been used primarily for cancer, but over the years, it has also been observed to be very helpful against some other health challenges as well. The top on this list after cancer would be any viral condition. Protocel has brought about some remarkable recoveries from hepatitis, mononucleosis, Epstein-bar, herpes, FIV in cats, viral papillomas, and even HIV/AIDS. (See the next FAQ for how Protocel works on viral conditions.) Other conditions that have been helped to various degrees are Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s, IBS, and ulcerative colitis, but there is not a lot of data on these or other auto-immune disorders to say whether Protocel can be a true cure for these conditions or simply help reduce the symptoms. Parkinson’s is listed in my book as something Protocel might help, but this is also based on very little data. For cancers and viral conditions, however, Protocel can be a true long-term cure when the Protocel is used correctly and for long enough.

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How does Protocel work against viruses?

Many people have had great success using Protocel for various viral conditions, even though the formula was not designed for this use. Testimonies have come in from those using it for all types of Hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, Mononucleosis, Herpes and even HIV/AIDS (see the next FAQ below.) Either the Protocel Formula 23 or the Formula 50 will work against viruses, but the Formula 23 is usually recommended for most viral conditions, with HIV/AIDS being the exception where people most often use the Formula 50.

Protocel does not directly kill viruses, but it helps the body overcome viral infections in the following way. Whenever a person is infected with a virus, the virus must invade a normal healthy cell of the body in order to replicate itself. This normal healthy cell is referred to as the “host” cell for the virus’s reproduction process. When viruses are circulating throughout our bloodstream, before or after invading a host cell, they have a protective protein coating surrounding them that provides a defense from attack by the body’s immune system. But when they invade a host cell to replicate themselves, they have to shed their protein coating to get into the cell. These viral-infected host cells then become damaged cells and turn to anaerobic functioning to survive. If a person is taking Protocel, the Protocel causes these host cells to lyse and fall apart, interrupting the virus’s replication process and also releasing any full-grown viruses back into the bloodstream before they have had a chance to develop a new protective protein-coating. This means that the body’s immune system can then successfully attack and do away with those viruses or virus parts so they can no longer harm the person. Thus, Protocel does not directly kill viruses. it is actually the person’s immune-system that kills or does away with the virus in the end, but it is the Protocel that interrupts the virus’s replication process and causes the viruses to be released back into the bloodstream without their protective coating by causing the host cells to lyse.

One thing to understand is that viruses are different from cancer cells in that viruses can sometimes go “dormant” and hide in a person’s tissues at times, only to become active again during periods of stress. (This is especially the case with viral conditions that display cyclical outbreaks, such as Herpes or Shingles.) So, even after a person’s viral symptoms go away, that person may, at least in some cases, experience a return of their viral symptoms some time after stopping the Protocel. If this happens, simply start back on the Protocel for a second time.

Don’t hesitate to use Protocel on pets for viral conditions, too. One cat with FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) was expected to live only one more day at a veterinary hospital because it was so sick. The cat was almost dead so the vet decided it wouldn’t hurt to try Protocel. He gave the cat Protocel Formula 23 and within just a few days, this cat was eating, walking, and functioning normally again. It had a full recovery. I also used Protocel successfully to make an annoying viral papilloma (a large wart-like growth) fall off my own dog after about two months of giving the dog Protocel. Previous to that, the dog had to undergo surgery two different times to remove the viral papilloma because it kept growing back. After the papilloma fell off through the use of Protocel, it never grew back again.

Can Protocel be used to treat HIV/AIDS?

Yes. Though Protocel has never been advertized as a treatment for HIV/AIDS, and no claims have been made by the owners or distributors of Protocel that it can be used for that condition, quite a few people have used it successfully for this purpose. In fact, it is one of the more successful “unknown” uses of Protocel. Anecdotal reports indicate that people using the Formula 50 at 1/4 to 1/3 teaspoonful every 6 hours (spaced out evenly around the clock with one of the doses in the middle of the night), have been able to get their viral count to go down to an undetectable level within about 6 months of continual use. (It is very important to not miss any doses, just as with cancer, and to not take any other supplements or treatments that might interfere with Protocel’s action.)

Success may vary to some extent based on how sick a person is when they start Protocel, but in general, HIV/AIDS responds very quickly to this approach and people often feel much better within just a few weeks. One man I spoke with had an incredible recovery from HIV/AIDS by just taking Protocel along with one immune-boosting supplement called “Moducare.” Continuing the use of Protocel longer than 6 months, past the undectectable virus point, is probably a good idea to be on the safe side. Staying on Protocel for more than a year is always an option as well, but may not necessary.

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